Welcome Back Boyd Bronco Cheerleaders & Parents!
This page is dedicated to cataloging the history of the McKinney Boyd Cheer program, recognizing alumni, and organizing homecoming plans! Be sure to join our distribution list by filling out the form at the bottom of this page! If you have additional pictures from the program, any updated alumni information, or went on to cheer in college - we’d love to hear from you!
Congratulations To Our Distinguished Alumni
cheerleaders that went on to cheer In college, after participating in Boyd Cheer during their MBHS career
Lindsey Jones, (Alpha Phi) made the OU Coed Cheer Team
Catie McGill, (Alpha Phi) made the UT All Girl Cheer Team
Alexa Brantley, made the NTX All Girl Cheer Team
Morgan McGee, made the SMU All Girl Cheer Team
Ashleigh Henderson, made the University of Arkansas Coed Cheer Team